Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Life's too short...

Last night I watched the 'Pride of Britain' ad it blew me away.  I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but it really resonated and made me think once again...why am I wasting my life? 

Here is how it goes...and I am really hoping to god there are people out there that feel the same way...

Alarm goes off in the morning and I generally wake up feeling like I've been punched in the head, (OK a bit of an exaggeration but I'm knackered)...

Get up, make a cup of tea, get ready and leave the house.. 

Drive to work listening to one of my many Cd's. This weeks choice is Swedish House Mafia, which really gets me in the mood for some fast driving. During the drive I daydream about how productive I'm going to be...

Arrive at work anywhere between 7.30/8 am even though I don't start until 9, switch on my laptop, make a coffee and check my emails...

However, there is something weird that happens between me getting out of the car and looking at my's like an energy sucker that sucks all life and motivation out of me and lingers for the rest of the day. I sit at my desk thinking of all the work I need to do and before I know it another hour has gone....and then another one...between  looking at emails, browsing the web, spending my time in pointless meetings or speaking to, quite frankly pointless people and hen before you know it,, it's home time, which generally means taking the lap top home to try and catch up with the work I should have been doing if it wasn't for the fact I spent all day in meetings...

...and all the time I am thinking, you know what...if it wasn't for the debt and therefore the money, I'd do something worthwhile instead and so another day of my life is wasted...               


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